Ingredients, prices, nutritional facts, and all you need to know

August 2021 · 5 minute read

The Georgia-based fast food restaurant chain, Arby’s, is bringing back its winter-special chocolate shake as we head into the new year. The returning Mint Chocolate Shake was made available in stores across the country starting December 30.

Available at a starting price of $2.29 excluding taxes, the winter special shake can be enjoyed at all participating locations for a limited time. Customers can also get the shake through pick-up and delivery orders placed through the chain's app or website.

The fast food chain has not hinted at how long the returning Mint Chocolate Shake will be available to order, but it would be safe to assume that the winter special will be leaving the menu as the weather starts to get warmer.

Vanilla ice cream, Andes mint, rich chocolate syrup, and milk combine to make Arby’s Mint Chocolate Shake

Ruling the hearts of Arby’s customers with its minty sweetness for more than nine years, the Mint Chocolate Shake has returned on the chain's menu. The seasonal favorite can be enjoyed in five serving sizes, ranging from 12 oz. to 32 oz.

First launched in 2013, the Mint Chocolate Shakes feature Andes mint chocolates at their heart, giving them the iconic minty sweetness.

Featuring a smooth sweetness of mint, the returning Mint Chocolate Shake is made by combining creamy vanilla ice cream, Andes mint, rich chocolate syrup, and milk. Served with a topping of whipped cream and Andes mint chocolate pieces, it delivers distinctly refreshing flavors with every sip.

the seasonal favorite Mint Chocolate Shakes feature Andes Mint Chocolates at their heart (Image via Arby’s)

While fast food chains around the country continue to add new minty flavors to the menu, Arby’s Mint Chocolate Shakes are yet to come across any significant competition. Customers can enjoy their seasonal favorites at the nearest store or through orders placed on the chain's app or website.

Nutritional facts of Arby’s Mint Chocolate Shake

If you have been holding yourself back from trying out the returning Mint Chocolate Shake just because of health concerns, here's a list of the nutritional values of the seasonal favorite:

Serving Weight429 grams
Calories660 calories
Calories from Fats200 calories
Total Fats22 grams
Saturated Fats16 grams
Sodium325 milligrams
Carbs102 grams
Sugar93 grams
Proteins14 grams

The above-mentioned values are based on the small serving size of the Mint Chocolate Shake. The value will vary depending on the serving size you order.

Founded in 1964, Arby’s is an American fast-food chain with restaurants in more than 3,472 locations across the world. Headquartered in Sandy Springs, Georgia, the fast food chain serves a wide range of Roast Beef, Beef and Cheddar sandwiches, Greek Gyros, and its iconic Curly and Crinkled fries.

The fast food chain also sells ready-to-cook frozen fries and sauces in grocery stores across the US.

The Andes chocolate mints - crème de menthe - are small rectangular candies that feature a green layer of mint sandwiched between two layers of cocoa-based chocolate. First launched in 1950, the mint chocolate is made in Delavan, Wisconsin by Tootsie Roll Industries.

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